Latest news
Summer Hours
2nd December, 2024Hi Folks we look forward to welcoming you to the gallery this summer. We will be open most days 11-5pm. We have loads of Christmas goodies and our glorious Vine Wrapped Xmas Trees. Michael has been making his stunning French Oak Platters & Homewares, Sculpture and Bronzes. Check out the gorgeous, french oak, ceramic and bronze healing birds, in store and online. We are thrilled to have Georgie Hoby Scutt paintings in the gallery this summer. If you haven’t seen her work you will be delighted at the colour and abstract expressionism in her works. It has been an interesting year, we have become grandparents for the first time, little Nancy was born 3 weeks ago. Poppy our youngest has finished her Architecture Degree with Deans Honours for 3 years running! We are super proud of our lot thats for sure!! Its be challenging times in business for all, but we look forward to more prosperous times ahead. From our family to yours, we would to take the time to wish you a very Merry Christmas and lots of good health and happiness. Jackie, Mike and Poppy MacMillan
Moutere Artisans April Open day
11th April, 2024
Gallery Hours from February 2024
3rd February, 2024
Happy New Year 2024
9th January, 2024
Christmas & Summer Gallery Hours
7th December, 2023Festive Greetings to you all. GALLERY HOURS CURRENTLY ARE : Thursday to Sundays 10-5pm. We will close from the 25th December to the 2nd Of January to have a mini break with family. We will re open on the 3rd of January 2024 – 7 days from 11am to 5pm. Michael has been making some new sculpture, a POD series is emerging and the gorgeous hand fashioned french oak boards and platters are being coersed, sanded and lovingly waxed.We have a new Nest Series for the mantle piece, the workshop is in full work mode now. Meanwhile Im curating the Gallery spaces with new works. We have some super paintings from the talented Deb Fuller and Local pastel artist Nicola Reif. Remember that you can shop online anytime if you live in New Zealand. For USA and the rest of the world give us an email and we can process your Credit cards over the phone to purchase anything you see online. WE Ship ALL Over the WORLD. Summer is finally here in the Moutere Valley and we cant wait. Remember we serve take out coffee so if you have the time, stay for a bit, bring a friend have a wine at Neudorf Vineyards and fall in love with the Neudorf Road. Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Christmas. See you very soon. Cheers Jackie & Mike