March 2023 News
Can you believe it is early March and the poplar trees in the Valley are changing their colour. Summer is leaving us and Autumn is showing itself everyday with cooler mornings and nights. The Local Hop Harvest is in full swing and soon the nearby Neudorf Vineyards will be into their harvest too. It’s a wonderful time of the year. We have been welcoming back some lovely folk to the Art Gallery. People we normally see every year, from the USA mostly i have to say but also Australians, fellow Kiwis, Israeli’s and a smattering from the UK and Europe too. The last 2 years have been tough in the retail art market! We are still here tho and we give thanks for that and have so much to be greatful for.Michael is creating new sculpture and works of art and casting a few new bronze works too, so if you haven’t been up to the gallery for sometime please do drop in. Poppy has some adorable water colours on the walls and we continue to sell our local artists work too. Helena Morris has some colourful large encaustic work in the gallery right now and Kerry Fenton Johns has a gorgeous large NZ Tui in Oils and a small colourful Kingfisher which is well worth seeing. Mike and I continue to recycle Neudorf Vineyards wine barrels and right now we have some stunning oval platters in stock. He’s finishing off some barrel band cheese knives as we speak. We are planning to remain open April & May and then access and see if we continue right thru the winter months. We will of course keep you updated both on here and on FB and Instagram. If you don’t follow us it would be great if you could give us a like. I particularly like Instagram for its photographic content. As I write this Neudorf Road has been Buzzing with people visiting the Home of Tim and Judy Finn at Neudorf Vineyards. Its a NZ House and Garden Fundraiser for Breast Cancer, and what a great cause and event it has been, lots of positive feedback from all involved . Wishing you a happy and productive autumn, the fire wood is stacked and we look forward to our first fire!Take care Mike and Jackie xx